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  3. Cell Phones and Company Driving

What do I need to know about Cell Phones when I am the road?

Cell Phones and Company Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of vehicle crashes and incidents. Distractions take both the eyes and the driver’s concentration off of the road.

Distractions can consist of cellular phones, eating or drinking, grooming, or talking with passengers. The disturbance can appear when the driver is operating an unfamiliar vehicle.

Cellular phone use has grown substantially in the last five years and is popular now with all drivers. However, mobile phone use while driving should be kept to a minimum.

Drivers need to be aware of when the use of the cellular phone is creating a distraction from safe driving and adjust their usage accordingly, including pulling off the road to continue the conversation.

Whenever possible, drivers should complete calls while the vehicle is parked or use the phone in a “hands-free” mode via a headset or speaker.

While driving, attention to the road, and safety should always take precedence over conducting business on the phone.

Handheld cell phone use is strictly prohibited by law.

If a driver must take or make a call must be via Bluetooth headset, speaker, or some other hands-free method. Drivers cannot DIAL a phone while driving. Dialing must be either via one-touch buttons or voice dialing.

The penalty for violation of this policy is listed in the Summary of violations of the company's policies and their respective fines.